Celebrating 15 years of growth and learning


Editor’s intro: Lisa Moler is proud to recognize 15 years of involvement and growth in the dental community. Read her story of building relationships among our readers, authors, and advertisers.


Lisa Moler
Founder/Publisher, MedMark Media

As the publisher of Implant Practice US, I have had so many opportunities to read, meet, and learn from “master teachers” — their wisdom comes from many fields, from dental KOLs to management gurus to technology and self-improvement. One of the ways that I keep their tenets in mind is through collecting meaningful quotes — one of my greatest passions. Quotes from Wayne Dyer, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Marianne Williamson, and Tony Robbins reflect where I’ve been and what I’ve achieved in my half century on this earth. Each insight, opinion, and perspective has served as an integral part of my own personal growth, as well as the growth of each of MedMark Media’s publications. In the coming year, MedMark Media celebrates its 15th birthday! It’s been a growth experience, not only for me, but also a time of growth, learning, and building relationships among our readers, authors, and advertisers.

This issue of Implant Practice US offers both clinical and management articles to extend your horizons, both clinically and in business. In CEs, Dr. Dipesh Parmar discusses using implants to restore edentulous arches and, in this case, for a patient who needed to avoid a denture. Dr. Ashok Sethi, et al.’s article educates on risk factors and preventative measures for peri-implant disease. Dr. George A. Mandelaris also discusses tools to avoid complications with this problematic inflammatory condition. In his case study, Dr. Todd Liston explores the predictability of maintaining and establishing the ideal soft tissue emergence profile. In our Practice Management column, JoAn Majors advises finding out more about patients’ wants, needs, and desires to devise the most customized treatment plan. Both the clinical and business sides of your practices must be nurtured to reduce your stress and increase your success.

Fifteen years ago, MedMark Media’s home office was based here in my hometown of Scottsdale — my corporate headquarters was comprised of a makeshift office in my tiny second bedroom. My sole employee was a 17-year-old intern who found the job from a posting that one of my fellow publishing friends put up at one of the local colleges. I had a hopeful hunch that she would work out. Diving into contracts and paperwork, we shared a computer and a dream of producing a publication that mattered in the dental industry. Within that first year, my Arizona market held the top ranking out of about 12 markets at the time. And amazingly, 15 years later my first employee, Adrienne Good, is still a valued member of the much larger MedMark Media team that now has grown to include departments for editorial, production, advertising, and digital media.

I am fortunate to be a part of this beautiful “dental world” and can honestly say that this industry and the amazing people I’ve met within it literally have saved my life. I found my niche, and for 15 years have been striving, along with my team, to help you find and cultivate your niches. We all continue to innovate and seek new ways to help our readers reach new personal and professional heights. Of course, as in any profession, there will be challenges, but we want to provide you with the tools to step back, take a deep breath, and think, “I got this.”

Feel free to contact us to share your ideas and articles. Along the way, I have had so many conversations and learned that everyone has a unique way of looking at the world and overcoming obstacles. We start this 15th year with hope, appreciation, and the knowledge that every day is an opportunity for learning.

Thank you for being a part of our journey.

To your best success!

Lisa Moler


MedMark Media


See the growth and excitement that 15 years has brought to MedMark, LLC. Watch Lisa’s videos on our homepage.

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