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Our current pricing is $149 for a 1-year print subscription or $79 for a 1-year digital subscription.
How soon will I get a magazine for Print Subscriptions?
We have a new issue every quarter (4 per year). For both digital and print subscriptions, you will be notified by email when a new issue is available. For the print subscription (the continental US only), the next available issue will be mailed to you when it is released.
As soon as your subscription purchase is complete, your account will have full access to the quizzes associated with the Continuing Education articles. For reference, here are our CE articles: https://implantpracticeus.com/category/continuing-education/
- Go to https://implantpracticeus.com/login
- Fill in your email address and password, then click the Login button
- Use the menu to go to your CE dashboard, here: https://implantpracticeus.com/dashboard
- In the “CE Quizzes & Webinars for Paid Subscribers” box, click the View Quizzes button
- From the course list, click the title of the article associated with the quiz you would like to take
- You should be redirected to the quiz system and shown the article again for reference
- In the red section, click the Start Quiz button (you may need to scroll down to see the button)
- Select your answer to the question, then use the next button to advance to the next question
- On the last question, the button will say Finish Quiz and you will get your results on the next page and be able to download your certificate
- Please complete the Course Evaluation Form and then click Submit
How do I update my mailing or billing address?
- Go to https://implantpracticeus.com/my-account
- Fill in your email address and password, then click the Login button
- Use the menu to go to your CE dashboard, here: https://implantpracticeus.com/my-account
- Click the link for Shipping and Billing Address
- Click Edit next to the address you would like to update
- If you have an Academy Of General Dentistry License please add your license code under the setting there as well for reporting to A.G.D.
- Type in the new address information and click the Save Address button
Issues Per Year: 4
Estimated Delivery: Every 3 months
Publishing Frequency: Quarterly
Publisher Name: MedMark, LLC
Automatic Renewal Service: For your convenience, this publication is part of the Automatic Renewal Service. You will receive all the benefits of our automatic renewal program.
What Makes Our Publication Different?
- Implant Practice US contains high quality practical case studies aimed at keeping clinicians up to date with all the latest issues and challenges facing Implantology.
- Implant Practice US is dedicated to present peer review clinical cases and holds an esteemed editorial advisory board.
- Unique from other journals, Implant Practice US combines clinical cases with practice profiles, valuable practice management articles, and product information.
- Bridging the gap between specialties, Implant Practice US focuses on implant dentistry and mails to a targeted blend of the three specialties including Oral Surgeons, Periodontists and Prosthodontists along with various general practitioners placing and restoring implants.