CHICAGO—The American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID) welcomed the largest class of new credentialed members in the organization’s history and presented its highest awards at the recently concluded 72nd Annual Conference in Las Vegas on Saturday, November 4.
“This year we saw a record number of dental professionals earn their AAID credentials,” said Dr. Michael Fioritto, FAAID, FABOI/ID, and past chair of the Admissions and Credentials Board. “The prestige of the AAID Fellow and Associate Fellow credential continues to grow as is shown in this year’s class, as well as the number of professionals working towards earning Fellowship.”
A full list of new Associate Fellows and Fellows can be found below.
In addition to newly credentialed members, the 2023 Honored Fellows were also introduced. These five credentialed members were recognized for their leadership, commitment, and volunteer efforts for the AAID as well as for their professional and academic work.
The Honored Fellows included:
- C. Edgar Davila DDS, MS, CDT, FAAID, DABOI/ID
- Alvaro Gracia DMD, FAAID, DABOI/ID
- Lawrence Nalitt DDS, FAAID, DABOI/ID
- Christopher Petrush DDS, FAAID, DABOI/ID
After the excitement of the day’s induction ceremony, the spotlight that evening was on the top AAID award winners.
The 2023 Aaron Gershkoff/Norman Goldberg Memorial Award, the most prestigious honor given by the Academy, was presented to Frank Recker, DDS, JD, for his achievements in the field of implant dentistry and service to the AAID.
The 2023 Isiah Lew Memorial Research Award was presented to James R. Glidewell, CEO, founder, and president of Glidewell Dental Laboratories, for his significant contribution to dental implant research.
The 2023 Terry Reynolds Trailblazer Award was presented to Stuart Orton-Jones, BDS, for his accomplishments as an innovative educator in the art and science of implant dentistry.
The 2023 Paul Johnson Service Award was presented to Justin Moody, DDS, FAAID, DABOI/ID, for his outstanding service to the AAID by “going above and beyond” as a volunteer for the Academy.
For background on each of the awards and the history of past winners, please visit aaid.com.
To view photos from the Fellow and Associate Fellow induction ceremony, please visit the AAID Facebook page.
Associate Fellows
Swati Agnihotri, DMD
Mairy Aiad, BDS
Austin Ako, DDS, MS
Reem Al Ameen, DDS
Murtadha Abdulmohsen Alali, DDS, MSc
Duaij Alazemi, BchD
Omeed Alkhalidi, DDS
Abdulmonem Mohammed Alkhamis, BDS
Ahmed Alkholeidi, DDS
Andrew A. Allouch, DMD
Boris Alvarez, DDS
James Amaning, DDS
Veena Ananthasayanam, DDS
Devin Anderson, DDS
Sebastiano Andreana, DDS, MS
Thomas J. Angerame, DMD
Aatif Ansari, BDS, DDS
Honey Arora, BDS, MDS
Dane Avondoglio, DMD
David Axelrod, DDS
Doosu Baik, DDS
Anna Bailey, DDS
Prabhalakshmi Kuruppiah Balasubramaniyan, MDS
Gabriela Baltierres, DDS
Valentina Baranova, DDS
Richard Baratta, DDS
Stephen Barker, DDS
Ian P.W. Barnard, DDS
Adriana Barrera, DDS
Vinay Kumar Reddy Battula, DMD
William Baune, DDS
Amit Benjamin, MDS
Dominik Berdysz, DDS
Frances Betts, BDS
Thomas Bierman, DDS
Riam Bin Barek, MS
Daniel Blau, DDS
Andrew Bloom, DDS
Rami Borno, DDS
Theodore Chang, DDS
Hui Ling Cheah, BDS
James Michael Chung, DDS
Michel Comeau, DDS
Dallin DeLoach, DMD
Ryan Diquattro, DMD
Andrew Donald, DDS
Madhavi Krishna Durvasula, DDS
Alejandro Echeverry, DDS
Mohamed Safwat El Gamal, DMD
Charif El-Hindi, DDS
Ryan El-Majzoub, DMD
Christopher Filler, DMD, MS
Matthew Francisco, DMD
Suzan Fu, DDS
Daniel Gailis, DMD
Bryce Gates, DDS
Varghese George, DDS
Humberto Nunez Gil, DMD
Ryan Nelson Gilreath, DMD
Nikola Goranov, DMD
Niharika Gupta, MDS
William Hackett, DDS
David Haddad, DDS
Mary A. Haley, DDS
Andrew Hall, DDS
Sungwon Han, DDS
Christian Hart, DDS
Amir Hassan, DDS
Craig Heins, DDS
Evan Hipp, DMD
Joshua Holt, DMD
Xiang Hu, DMD
Zhi Huang, DDS
Amanda Hurley, DDS
Shingo Inada, DDS
Johannes Jacobs, DDS
Kirsten Johnson, DDS
Neil Johnson, DDS
Parampreet Kaur, DMD
Harkiran Kaur, DDS
Sami Kawas, DDS
Maryam Keikhosro-Kiani, DMD
Kristina Keturka, DDS
Abbas Khan, BDS, DMD, MPH
Rami A. Khoury, DMD
Reem G. Kidess, DDS
Joseph Kim, DDS, JD
Stephen Kondorossy, DMD
Michihiro Kono, BDS
Michael Kostal, DDS
Yoshiki Kuzushima, DDS
Robert Laing, DDS
Vinh Le, DDS
Bryce Ledner, DDS
John Keunhee Lee, DDS
Enrique Lewin, DDS
Patrick Loftus, DMD
Gregory Luk, DDS
John Mady, DDS, MS
Matteson Marinovich, DDS
Michael Martins, DDS
Nathan Martzke, DDS
Hiroyuki Matsumoto, DDS
Cara Minichetti, DDS
Helena M. Minye, DDS, MS
Eri Miwa, DDS, PhD
Gregory W. Monfette, DMD
Timothy Moriarty, DMD
Gregory R. Morra, DDS
Takeshi Nagai, PhD
Kunihiro Nakajima, DDS
Aditi Nanda, BDS, MDS
Islam Negm, BDS
Frank Nelson, DDS
Anthony Nguyen, DDS
Trinh Nguyen, DMD
Tuan Nguyen, DDS
Gupta Niharika, BDS, MDS
Rodney Ray Norris, DDS
Kyle Novotny, DDS
Ghassan Omera, DMD
Olubunmi Osunfisan, DDS
Mohamed Othman, DDS
Khamir Patel, DMD
Tarik Pravinkumar Patel, MDS
Cong Peng, DMD, PhD
Kavitha Pingali, DMD
Jacklyn Aliza Pivovarov, DDS
Jeries Qoborsi, DDS
Jeffrey Rafalski, DDS
Shawn Rajendram, DDS
Alanson Randol, DDS
Zachary Reagan, DMD
Jordyn Reiakvam, DDS
Seyed Rezaei, DDS
Dan Rodda, DDS
Ryan Rodriguez, DDS
Jose Rosalez, DMD
Philip Roth, DDS
Shorouq Sahawneh, DDS, EMBA
Vipul Saini, DDS
Ahmed Salah Seiam, BDS
Rohan Shah, DMD
Dr. Niraj Shah, DDS, MPH
Sharvil Shah, DMD
Shankar Shanmugam, MDS, PhD
Saurabh Sharma, BDS, DDS
Jatinder Sharma, BDS, DDS
Alexandra Shepherd, DDS, MPH
Sean Sherry, DDS
Keishi Shibata, DDS
Yutaka Shimizu, DDS
Takamitsu Shiroyama, DDS
Vinni K. Singh, DDS
Steven Slomovitz, DMD
Kumudra Soe, DMD
Priyanka Somani, MDS
Yara Soto, DDS
Cameron Stringham, DMD
Hideaki Sugo, DDS
Salina S. Suy, DDS
Hidetoshi Takeshita, DDS
Nozar Tarkesh, DMD
James Terrebonne, DDS
David Thode, DDS
Katsuhiro Tomiyama, DDS
Fernando Tordoya, DDS
April Tressler, DDS
Satoshi Tsukamoto, DDS
Mark Tulumello, DMD
Noriyuki Ueno, DDS
Mohammed Umairuddin, MDS
P. Sofiya Usman, BDS, MDS
David Valenta, DDS
Daniel Lee Van Galder, DMD
Rudy Vega, DDS
Jose L. Villarreal, DDS
Lilia Voloshyna, DMD
Rachana Vyas, DDS
Shuto Wakita, DDS
Eric Wang, DDS
William Wang, DDS
Christina Y.M. Wong, DDS
Hilda M. Yacoub Fokas, DDS
Hiroki Yamada, DDS
Jim Yeganegi, DMD
Mohamed Aly Ibrahim Youssef, DMD
Katarzyna Zelichowski, DDS
Benjamin Aanderud, DMD
Joseph Akhikar, DMD
Ali Almatrafi, BDS
Feras Alrezk, DDS
Jason Baker, DDS
Ahmed Ballo, BDS, MSc, PhD
Olivier Broutin, DMD
Guy J. Burk, DMD
William Choi, DMD
Jeremiah Davis, DDS, MBA
Andrew Farkas, DDS
Brooks A. Green, DDS
Mahima Gupta, DDS
David Halls, DMD
Mitra Hashemi, DDS
Albert Internoscia, DMD
Christopher Jen Kin, DDS
Igor Kaplansky, DDS
Christopher Kondorossy, DDS
Paul Kwon, DDS
Heath Lampee, DMD
Andy Q.V. Le, DDS
Suhail Mati, DMD
Joshua Nagao, DDS
Senan Najar, DDS, MSD
Niels Oestervemb, DDS
Jayraj J. Patel, DMD
Weidong Pei, DDS, PhD
Satish Reddy, DDS
Sam Sadati, DDS
Amanda M. Sheehan, DDS
Chad Slocum, DDS
Erik Solberg, DDS
David Sullivan, DDS
Jasmine Sung, DDS
William Thornell Jr., DDS
Viviana Waich, DDS
Eric Wang, DDS
Gregory Williams, DMD
Douglas L. Wirth, DMD
Xuetao Xie, DMD
Josee Desrochers, DMD
American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID)
Founded in 1951, the American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID) is the first professional organization in the world dedicated to implant dentistry. Its membership includes general dentists, dental implantologists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, periodontists, prosthodontists, and others interested in the field of implant dentistry. As a membership organization, the AAID currently represents almost 4,000 dentists worldwide.
For more information about the AAID, visit aaid.com or call the AAID office at 312.335.1550 or 877.335.AAID (2243).